Amy Lee Bristol and Somerset Celebrant

What is a humanist wedding?

A humanist wedding is a non-religious wedding ceremony that is free from the traditional rules around weddings. Humanist weddings can take place in any location, at any time of day, and couples have the freedom to be as creative as they want. They are brilliant!

For those who don’t know, Humanism is very simple- it’s the philosophical stance that we only have one life and as such we want to live it ethically and respectfully of others and the environment around us. Humanists believe that there is no supernatural intervention and we trust in science, reason and common sense to reach logical conclusions about why we’re here and how we got here. It also means that we can lead our best lives knowing it’s the only one we, and everyone we know, has got.
How does this translate into a wedding? Well, humanists love weddings! We love weddings because they’re one of those events that makes us distinctly human. After all weddings are all about bringing people together to mark and celebrate your relationship, love and commitment.  By choosing a humanist wedding you are choosing to make your wedding entirely inclusive. Everyone is welcome regardless of spiritual and religious beliefs. And your humanist wedding is about you: your story, how you got to this point, your outlook, where you’re going, how, and why. It is entirely individual and it is designed and written to reflect your relationship and your personalities.
Without the constraints of civil ceremonies, humanist ceremonies can take place wherever you like- inside or out, at home, abroad, in a field, on a mountain or beach- nowhere is off limits.  This doesn’t mean that it has to be free of tradition. In fact, many couples who are having a humanist wedding decide that they want the familiar rituals of a wedding, or decide to have a mixture. It can be as informal or formal as you like. Anything goes. As your celebrant, I will guide you through the whole process of creating your ceremony and support you in making decisions about the best way to create your perfect wedding Your wedding is incredibly exciting and I am here to help you to celebrate your marriage in a way that reflects you, is loved by everyone and is everything you dreamed it would be.

If you think that a humanist ceremony might be for you

I offer a free consultation session in person or online for you and I to get to know each other and make sure we’re a great match